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I have two dogs, ten chickens, and one goal: to grow my own food and Instagram it. If I were a pioneer, I’d be dead.

I’ve taught high school, worked in insurance, restaurants, retail, taught martial arts, alphabetized Russian composers at a famous music library, run the art department at day camp, and supersized fries.

I failed out of music school, fired myself from my own company, and ended up at a Silicon Valley startup by accident, asking, “Startup what?”

I’ve done my share of public speaking, and written for or been featured in EdTech Digest, Edutopia, EdSurge, US News and World Report Money,  EdTech Review India, ConversationEd, TeachThought, NPR, Edweek, Quartz, and more, both in and out of education.

These days, I work in tech and drink a lot of coffee.   In my spare time, I build out my poser homestead and play with dogs.

My books: A Broke Teacher’s Guide to Success: How to Build Your Dreams on Teacher Pay, Don’t Sniff the Glue: A Teacher’s Misadventures in Education Reform, Tiny T-Rex Tries to Annoy Mom, and Paronella Park, (co-authored with legendary cartoonist Sarah Steenland).   


You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn

Writing Projects:  I’m writing about my Poser Homestead. It’s a (kinda stealth) hobby site with a few no-scroll recipes and some of the “grandma” and gardening skills I’ve learned. Maybe I’ll finish the book soon. Old friends–all the stuff you used to mock me for–mason jars, homemade bread, cloth napkins, food rescuing… it’s cool now, so take back what you said!

Education:  Teachers, stop spending your paycheck on your job.  I’m not teaching anymore but I wrote about this and still take “You got this!” calls. I also do consulting for educators, leaders, schools, and edtech entrepreneurs.